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Software Emperor Torque
Software Emperor™ Torque
Software fácil de usar com liberdade quase ilimitada para projetar e personalizar testes de torque para atender às suas necessidades. Desenvolvido pela Mecmesin em estreita colaboração com nossos clientes, o Emperor ™ agora conta…
Case study
O efeito da lavagem na elasticidade têxtil
Requerimento A Durham University é uma das 100 maiores instituições do mundo e a primeira a estabelecer campi no exterior.
Case study
Testes de torque de controle de dosagem para inaladores medidos, auto-injetores e canetas de insulina
Requerimento Escusado será dizer que a administração correta e a dose adequada de medicamento são fundamentais para garantir a melhor chance de recuperação e bem-estar do paciente.
Case study
Estudos de calibração de resistência inicial de concreto projetado
Requerimento A Multicrete Systems Inc. é especialista em soluções de projetos para as indústrias de mineração e construção de túneis.
Case study
Papel de filtro de teste de descascamento de 90 graus
Exemplo de engenharia customizada Os gabaritos de rolo flutuante são usados regularmente para testar laminados onde a folha de suporte é rígida e a folha de revestimento é flexível (por exemplo, cartões de segurança)
Materials Testing: Theory and Practice Pt. 1 & 2
Materials testing is often the last step in the manufacturing process. Yet, quality is the result of both the process and the material. If the material that goes into the product is inadequate or defective, then the product may be deficient or faulty.
Case study
90 degree peel test filter paper
Customised engineering example
Floating roller peel jigs are regularly used for testing laminates where the backing sheet is rigid and the facing sheet is flexible (e.g. security cards)
Case study
Peel testing vacuum-formed containers
Customised engineering example
Semi-rigid thermoformed packaging, sealed by film or foil, is commonly tested by the '45-degree peel method'. This best represents how a person would open the package.
Needle Sharpness & Puncture Resistance Testing
Hypodermic needles are tested to determine how their design influences the ease of insertion into the skin in order to prevent patient pain and skin trauma.
Needle Sharpness & Puncture Resistance Testing
Hypodermic needles are tested to determine how their design influences the ease of insertion into the skin in order to prevent patient pain and skin trauma.
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Máquinas de teste universais
Para avaliar a qualidade de um produto ou componente acabado, muitas vezes é necessário realizar vários testes de força.
Case study
Teste de nitidez de agulha hipodérmica
Exemplo de engenharia customizada As agulhas hipodérmicas são testadas para determinar como seu design influencia a facilidade de inserção na pele, a dor do paciente e o trauma da pele.
Case study
Industrial fluid container dispensing cap application and removal force
A system was required to measure the push-on force and removal force of an injection-moulded cap from a new design of oil can.
Case study
Hypodermic needle sharpness testing
Customised engineering example
Hypodermic needles are tested to determine how their design influences the ease of insertion into the skin, patient pain and skin trauma.
FAQs sobre UTM
Perguntas frequentes
Como a máquina de teste universal OmniTest se compara em tamanho e portabilidade?
A máquina de teste universal (UTM
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Universal testing machines
To assess the quality of a finished product or component, it is often necessary to conduct multiple force tests.
Case study
Teste de casca de recipientes formados a vácuo
Exemplo de engenharia customizada A embalagem semi-rígida termoformada, selada por filme ou folha, é comumente testada pelo 'método de casca de 45 graus'. Isso representa melhor como uma pessoa abriria o pacote.
Packaging: Peel & Adhesion testing
Adhesion strength is a key factor in packaging, providing reliability and durability for a wide range of products.
Whether it's ensuring that a shipping box remains sealed during transit or that labels stay firmly attached to containers, the a
Case study
Cosmetics brush pull-out testing
Customised engineering example
Our client is a major cosmetics company using a variety of brushes, make-up wand and applicator designs for all applications and wished to tensile test the integrity of the bristles.
Case study
Teste de torque de óculos ajustáveis
Exemplo de engenharia customizada A Adlens fabrica lentes de óculos adaptáveis, onde a potência ótica é ajustada por um dial lateral que é removido.
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ASTM D2646
These test methods may be used for acceptance testing of commercial shipments; however, caution is advised because information about between interlaboratory precision is incomplete. Comparative tests as directed in 5.1.1 may be advisable.
Case study
Adjustable spectacles torque test
Customised engineering example
Adlens manufacture adaptive spectacle lenses, where the optical power is adjusted by a side dial which is then removed.
Mechanical Performance Testing of Medical Devices Webinar
A hands-on Force and Torque how-to demonstration event.
Medical Device Testing: Torque testing of Child Resistant Closures (CRC) with 21 CFR Part 11 compliance
Torque testing of Child Resistant Closures (CRC) with 21 CFR Part 11 compliance
Interface cable, AFG/AFTI to MultiTest-dV / Vortex-dV, Stand reverse & RS232
Interface cable, AFG to MultiTest-dV (2003-April 2020)…