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Case study
Top-load crush test of plastic bottles
Silgan Plastics is a US based company that has supplied packaging for the personal care, household, automotive. pharmaceutical and food market industries for over 50 years.
Muscle strength tester
The Mecmesin Myometer is a highly accurate instrument suited to a wide range of muscle strength evaluations and ergonomic testing.
Developed in partnership with medical professionals, this dedicated instrument is able to perform more consistent fixed-…
Case study
Soldered flexi-circuits tensile test
The customer was a manufacturer and developer of braking systems for the heavy goods vehicle, bus and truck industries.
Safety guard for fitting to OmniTest/MultiTest 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5/7.5
432-680 432-681 432-682 432-684
Mecmesin's standard safety guards are designed to prevent access by the operator to the testing area whilst the test is in progress. Guards feature an aluminium frame with integrated polycarbonate panels to allow the operator to view the test area from…
Safety guard for fitting to MultiTest 2.5-i /-xt/-dV motorised test stands (500 mm)
Mecmesin's standard safety guards are designed to prevent access by the operator to the testing area whilst the test is in progress. Guards feature an aluminium frame with integrated polycarbonate panels to allow the operator to view the test area from…
Safety guard for fitting to MultiTest 0.5-i/-xt/-dV motorised test stands (1200 mm)
Mecmesin's standard safety guards are designed to prevent access by the operator to the testing area whilst the test is in progress. Guards feature an aluminium frame with integrated polycarbonate panels to allow the operator to view the test area from…
Case study
Surfboard foam three-point bend test
A company manufacturing surfboard blanks, made from rigid polyurethane (PU) foam, undertake a stringent testing program to guarantee the rigidity of the foam and strength of the final surfboard product.
Case study
Teste de resistência à tração e resistência ao rasgo em tecido de balão de ar quente
Requerimento Ultra Magic é o segundo maior fabricante de balões de ar quente do mundo. Por razões óbvias de segurança, o material utilizado deve estar em conformidade com os rígidos padrões aplicáveis à indústria aeronáutica.
Case study
Fishing net tensile strength testing to ISO1805 and ISO1806
Fishing nets are one of the key tools in commercial fishing and there are many types of active and passive netting gear available.
Case study
Animal identification tags strength and disassembly testing
The Danish Cattle Federation and its commercial arm RYK, is responsible for dairy cattle data recording in 98 per cent of herds in Denmark.
Case study
Automotive chain drive components tension and compression testing
Tsubakimoto Automotive (Thailand), a leading manufacturer of industrial chain drives, attachment chains, and large-size conveyor chains, recognizes the critical importance of component durability and functional performance of these
Case study
Solenoid testing
Parmeko is a Leicester-based designer and manufacturer of proportional solenoids, on-off solenoids and holding magnets used in mobile and industrial fluid power applications, as well as a range of specialised solenoids manufactured
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Sistemas de torque controlados por software
Poder sofisticado - fácil de usar Procurando um sistema automatizado de teste de torque para melhorar a precisão e a repetibilidade de suas medições em comparação com os testadores d
Testador de força muscular
O Mecmesin Myometer é um instrumento altamente preciso, adequado para uma ampla gama de avaliações de força muscular e testes ergonômicos. Desenvolvido em parceria com profissionais médicos, este instrumento dedicado é capaz de realizar testes…
Rotating Crimp Receptacle for CrimpTest-1 kN
Rotating Crimp Receptacle for CrimpTest-1 Tester (supplied as standard with the Tester)
A versatile crimp termination holder that accommodates a wide range of terminal sizes.
The inner slotted ring rotates to fit up to 10 different-sized crimp…
Case study
Teste de compressão e resistência à flexão de marcador de estrada de cerâmica de acordo com ASTM 4280
Requerimento A Saudi Ceramics fabrica marcadores rodoviários não refletivos para indicar a delimitação da faixa de tráfego, acostamentos e outras marcações de direção.
Cap torque tester
The Orbis digital torque tester is ideally suited for basic clockwise and counter-clockwise torque tests.Manually operated and measuring up to 6 N.m its capacity is ideal for most caps and closures which are intended to be opened by hand.
Providing data…
Case study
Teste de válvulas de controle de fluido e vedações
Requerimento Um sistema de elevação de gás típico para produção de petróleo e gás requer um conjunto de válvulas para operar ao longo da tubulação de produção para baixo do poço de perfuração.
Case study
Syringe testing to ISO 11040-4 Annex C1 flange break resistance
The ubiquitous medical syringe is an extremely important device, delivering (parenteral) injectable products to the patient by means of a cylinder and plunger mechanism.
Case study
Syringe testing to ISO 11040-4 Annex C2 Luer cone break resistance
The ubiquitous medical syringe is an extremely important device, delivering (parenteral) injectable products to the patient by means of a cylinder and plunger mechanism.
Case study
Teste de tração de circuitos flexíveis soldados
Requerimento O cliente era um fabricante e desenvolvedor de sistemas de freios para as indústrias de veículos pesados, ônibus e caminhões.
Case study
Cricket ball compressive deformation strength and cover material tensile strength
Kookaburra is an internationally recognised leader in the production of sporting equipment for cricket and hockey. Established in 1890, the company has built its name on innovation and meticulous attention to quality.
Case study
Seringa automatizada e sistema de força de deslizamento
Requerimento A pandemia COVID-19 impôs uma demanda sem precedentes aos fabricantes de seringas e frascos.
Case study
Teste de solenóide
Requerimento Parmeko é um designer e fabricante baseado em Leicester de solenóides proporcionais, solenóides on-off e ímãs de retenção usados em aplicações de energia de fluidos móveis e industriais, bem como uma gama de solenóides especializad
Case study
Teste de flexão de três pontos de espuma de prancha de surfe
Requerimento Uma empresa que fabrica blanks para pranchas de surfe, feitos de espuma rígida de poliuretano (PU), realiza um programa de testes rigorosos para garantir a rigidez da espuma e a resistência do produto final da prancha de surfe.