Part Number
The Floating Peel Jig is used to test the peel strength between adhesive layers of flat, rigid samples such as credit cards.

A portion of the top layer is placed between the rollers and held in an upper grip (order separately). As load is applied the specimen moves smoothly under the rollers while delamination tests up to 500 N are carried out at a constant 90 degree angle. Meets the requirements of international test standards (eg. ISO 10373-1).

Supplied fitted to a modified anvil plate for mounting to the base of a motorised test stand.
Floating Peel Jig, 500 N, 10-32 UNF, (ISO10373-1)
Credit card peel Floating Peel Jig
diagram of 90-degree peel, rigid substrate, floating roller test
Floating Peel Jig Floating Peel Jig

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Load Rating
500 N
( 110 lbf )


432-413 Floating Peel Jig 432-413 Floating Peel Jig
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