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Wine & Spirits: Pull Tab & Twist Cap Testing
Canned wine and seltzer drinks have a clear upside that makes their popularity soar: Convenience. As well as being lighter to carry, less potentially fragile, eliminating the corkscrew, and even a glass makes it ideal for social gatherings.
Compression Testing in Top Load Applications
A typical challenge in packaging, and bottling applications is trying to balance product integrity, where the container might be too weak and crush under load, and excessive raw material cost, where the container is too strong.
Sharps puncture tester
OmniTest 2.5
A tester designed for key international standards such as ASTM F2132, BS 7320, and BS 23907 that specify the test procedures for puncture resistance of medical sharps containers.
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Torque testing
Torque testing is a way of determining how an object will react when it is being turned - during normal operation or being twisted until it deliberately fails or breaks.
Fundamentals of Cork Pull & Elasticity Testing
Natural corks need to execute several important functions within the champagne and wine industries in order to meet consumers’ expectations and also to guarantee the quality of the drink.
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ASTM F1342
This test method evaluates puncture resistance of protective clothing materials which may include plastics or elastomeric films, coated fabrics, flexible materials, laminates, or textile materials.
Webinar: Adhesion/Peel strength testing
There is a reason people reach for duct tape as a fix for almost everything – adhesion strength.
From busted pipes to ripped furniture, the preference for a solution that “does not easily peel off” is the guiding principle for manufacturers.
Wine & Spirits: Pull Tab & Twist Cap Testing
Canned wine and seltzer drinks have a clear upside that makes their popularity soar: Convenience. As well as being lighter to carry, less potentially fragile, eliminating the corkscrew, and even a glass makes it ideal for social gatherings.
Tensile Testing: Extension, Elongation, Force & Failure
The primary objective for measuring and analyzing the the tensile force value of a product is to accurately determine one or more of these factors:
Fundamentals of Compression Testing
Push or compressive testing helps determine the limits of most products that require constant pushing or compression.
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ASTM F2824-10
1.1 This test method describes a method for the measurement of mechanical seal strength while separating the entire lid (cover/membrane) from a rigid or semi-rigid round container. 1.2 This test method differs from Test Method F88.
Introduction to Consumer Packaging Testing
Damaged packaging can not only cost money but also impact brand perception. Consumers are less likely to purchase a product with damaged packaging, or if their product arrives damaged from poor packaging during the shipping and transport process.
Understanding Top-Load Testing - Live Application Demo
Packaging manufacturers use top-load or crush testing to ensure packaging integrity, and to eliminate material excess while maintaining quality.
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What’s their secret?
“Prior to joining our class, most of our students had no actual experience with materials testing, apart from what they saw in a textbook.
Case study
Torque to twist out a champagne cork
Sibel manufacture natural corks for the wine and spirits industry in the Champagne region of France. They pride themselves on working closely with their clients, taking into account their requirements and expectations for safety.
Critical strength: Perfecting catalyst and pellet crush testing
Catalysts are widely used in industrial processes where yield and time issues are critical to forming a product as soon as possible.
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Pull-off / Pull-out
'Pull-off' or 'pull-out' testing generally involves the separation of two secured parts under tension.
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Testing Procedure
Performing the needle penetration and drag test involves several steps:
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Shear in tension
Shear testing in tension (also known as 'lap shear') is commonly used to test adhesives and involves the pulling apart of a material specimen by applying tensile force from opposite sides in a parallel plane.
Case study
Syringe tube pull-off testing
Customised engineering example
Pull-off tensile tests require careful gripping of the separating parts in order to avoid distorting them and therefore artificially weakening the joint.
Tensile Testing: Extension, Elongation, Force & Failure
The primary objective for measuring and analyzing the the tensile force value of a product is to accurately determine one or more of these factors:
Case study
Automotive steering components
Customised engineering example
Sometimes the dimensions of a component make force testing difficult to perform. Our client needed to test the sliding force of a bearing along the complete length of an automotive steering rack.
Understanding Top-Load Testing - Live Application Demo
Packaging manufacturers use top-load or crush testing to ensure packaging integrity, and to eliminate material excess while maintaining quality.
Case study
Pharmaceutical sachet burst strength
Customised engineering example
Plastic sachets with welded seams are frequently used for measured applications of liquids, creams and gels.