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Featured or equivalent test standards for Mecmesin solutions in this section
Tethered closures testing attachment force

Tamper-Proof Closure Test

Tensile testing wire joining systems
Wine can pop-and-tear opening force
Face mask strength testing

Magnet pull tester
Lipstick tube force and torque testing
Bullet extraction and seating force testing
Handbag clasps and other luggage components
Metal bottle cap on glass pull-off test
Glass syringe Luer lock attachment pull-off

Electrical assembly component strength
Bulk liquid carrier closures
Tea bag integrity
Syringe tube pull-off testing
Synthetic sports surface tuft binding
Inline respiratory filter pull test
Injection moulded assembly integrity
Luer and small-bore connector torque testing
ISBT sports cap rotational test

Wire rope termination crimp safety

Pen injector training aid testing
PCB pull and shear test
Page pull strength test
Press stud popper pull-off test

Bow attachment pull-off test on clothing

Battery terminal weld integrity tensile test
Cap removal test of plastic vial
Clothing button pull-off TTF test

Tensile test on footwear materials
Tamper evident ring test

Medical devices testing

Lighting weld test

Lancet needle retention test

Industrial fixtures and fasteners

Flip-cap force test
Flat Quick-connect Termination
Child safety - force to access lighter
Extraction testing of whisky stoppers

Needle to ferrule pull-out test

High Performance Plasma Coatings