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Pneumatic Medium Vice Grip - Single Action, 1 kN, 30 mm opening, pair, QC-20 fitting
MEC 240k- S30+kO (body only) :
A pair of pneumatically-operated, single-action Medium Vice Grips with an opening of 0-30mm depending on the jaw types selected (sold separately). Each grip is fitted with 1 manual jaw holder + 1 x 50 mm diameter…
Test Frame
OmniTest测试框架一种由双滚珠丝杠驱动的电动测试架,该双滚珠丝杠具有双柱,旨在施加从2 N到50 kN (1100 lbf)的拉力和压力。 其多功能的结构使其非常适合在质量控制或研发环境中测试各种材料。 查看测试框架
Case study
要求布莱顿大学医学院著名骨科外科医生Keith Borowsky先生正在开发一种用于肩关节重建的新型骨科假体。肩假体用于代替老年人跌倒时骨折的肩膀,偶尔还可以在高能量的汽车碰撞或直接暴力创伤后进行。它们也可用于需要肩关节置换的其他情况,例如关节炎患者。假体需要进行测试,以确保它们正确地附着在周围的骨骼和肌腱上,从而可靠地复制了肩膀的解剖结构。这项研究将确保患者在替代肩关节中保持良好的强度和活动度。
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Medical devices and aids
Medical device manufacturers operate in one of the world’s most competitive and highly-regulated industries, where patient safety is critical.
Case study
要求Soprofen Industrie是法国金属卷帘和车库门的领先制造商。他们之所以与Mecmesin接触是因为他们想开发新的力测试方法以改善其原材料和成品的质量控制。 Soprofen有许多不同的测试应用程序,包括确定铝和钢样品的拉伸强度和伸长极限,以及测试其夹具安装件和滑动压接环的强度。结果,他们需要一个灵活的解决方案,使他们能够开发一系列不同的拉伸试验。
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ASTM D5602/D5602M-18
An important factor affecting the performance of many membrane roofing systems is their ability to resist static puncture loads. This test method provides a means for assessing static puncture resistance.
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ASTM D3032
These test methods detail the standard procedures for testing hookup wire insulations including all components of the insulation system used on single insulated conductors or an assembly of single insulated conductors such as a cable bundle and harness
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BS EN 12562
Synthetic fibres, Polyamide fibres, Aramide fibres, Textile products, Textile testing, Yarn, Filament yarns, Filaments, Filament (textile fibre), Yarn testing, Yarn linear density determination, Elongation at fracture, Elongation, Force measurement, Mec
Essentials of Grip & Fixture Selection
The accuracy of instrument itself- though important, is only one piece of the measurement accuracy puzzle. Grip and fixture selection plays a critical role in the applications in Force and Materials quality testing.
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ISO 5628
Specifies three test methods for determining the bending stiffness of paper and paperboard. The test methods differ in the type of loading mode, thus giving rise to the two-point, three-point and four-point bending test methods.
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BS ISO 11040-4
This part of ISO 11040 applies to — tubing-glass barrels (single-chamber design) for injection preparations, and — sterilized subassembled syringes ready for filling.
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ASTM F2193-02
These specifications and test methods provide standard specifications that specify material, labeling, and handling requirements for components used in surgical fixation of the spinal skeletal system such as metallic spinal screws, spinal plates, and sp
Fundamentals of Torque Testing
If you have ever struggled to open your favorite bottle of water or jam or required help loosening the lug nuts on your car’s wheels, it is likely due to a case of over-torque.
Essentials of Grip & Fixture Selection Pt. 2
The accuracy of instrument itself- though important, is only one piece of the measurement accuracy puzzle. Grip and fixture selection plays a critical role in the applications in Force and Materials quality testing.
Texture Testing for Bakery Applications
The primary goal for using instrumentation to measure texture is to capture an objective value to something that is typically evaluated very subjectively. Texture cannot be controlled unless it measured in a consistent and repeatable manner.
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BS EN 12568
Protective footwear, Protective clothing, Toe-caps, Metals, Non-metals, Impact strength, Performance testing, Dimensions, Length, Impact testing, Compression testing, Penetration tests, Corrosion resistance, Corrosion tests, Bend testing, Marking, Test
Texture Testing for Bakery Applications
The primary goal for using instrumentation to measure texture is to capture an objective value to something that is typically evaluated very subjectively. Texture cannot be controlled unless it measured in a consistent and repeatable manner.
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ASTM D3578
Scope... 1.1 This specification describes certain requirements for natural rubber gloves used in conducting medical examinations and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. It also covers natural rubber gloves used in handling contaminated medical
Fundamentals of Torque Testing
If you have ever struggled to open your favorite bottle of water or jam or required help loosening the lug nuts on your car’s wheels, it is likely due to a case of over-torque.
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ASTM D2919
This test method covers data for assessing the durability of adhesive lap-shear joints while stressed in contact with air, air in equilibrium with certain solutions, water, aqueous solutions, or other environments at various temperatures.
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BS EN ISO 10319
Geosynthetic materials, Geotextiles, Textile testing, Cloth, Textile products, Fabric testing, Breaking load, Tensile testing, Test specimens, Width, Dimensions, Specimen preparation, Testing conditions, Test equipment, Wet-strength tests
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ASTM D6862-11
This test method is useful for acceptance and quality control testing. Adherends, application procedure, and sample conditioning shall be as agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user of the adherends and the adhesive.
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DIN EN 1464
This European Standard specifies a floating roller method for the determination of the peel resistance of high-strength adhesive bonds between one rigid adherend and one flexible adherend when tested under specified conditions of preparation and testing