The VFG Shotcrete Penetrometer is Mecmesin's specialised test kit designed for use in testing sprayed or poured concrete during the first few hours of development. It meets the requirement principle of the industry standard EN 14488-2 Method A: Penetration needle to measure penetration resistance force
Featuring a touchscreen display showing readings in N, it allows batch testing with each result being automatically converted into MPa according to the size of the aggregate being tested. Converted MPa readings are displayed as a table on the VFG Shotcrete Penetrometer for immediate review.

The AFG Shotcrete Penetrometer is Mecmesin's specialised test kit designed for use in testing sprayed or poured concrete during the first few hours of development. It meets the requirement principle of the industry standard EN 14488-2 Method A: Penetration needle to measure penetration resistance force
It features a membrane keypad and LCD display with readings in N or daN. Readings can be stored to memory and later exported to a PC for spreadsheet analysis to perform the conversion into MPa as required by EN 14488-2.

喷浆混凝土穿刺仪是测试BS EN 14488-2(方法A)喷浆混凝土初始固化阶段抗压强度的便携式测试仪。

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Mecmesin/PPT Group (USA)
喷浆混凝土穿刺仪是Mecmesin 专用的力学测试套件,用于测量喷浆混凝土或浇筑混凝土在初始固化(前几个小时)的抗压强度,符合BS EN 14488-2 (方法A) 的国际标准测试要求:使用穿刺针测量穿透阻力。
BS EN 14488-2(方法A)标准测试
精准测量混凝土初始固化阶段的最大抗压强度,强度评估介于0.2 MPa至1.2M Pa之间。
喷浆混凝土测试标准 – 第2部分:喷浆混凝土初始固化抗压强度说明了测试程序,通过定制测试针重复进行抗压测试,以获取可靠的数据结果。
- 坚固耐用和易于清洁的手提箱
- 带双握手柄的喷浆混凝土穿刺仪(已安装)
- 穿刺针头转接器
- 15× 穿刺针(长15 mm,直径3 mm,角度60º)
- 5个可充电电池
- 充电器
- 操作手册
- 用户指南
- 校准证书
Product datasheets
- 测量单位:N,lbf或kgf
- 1000 N力学传感器
- 精度为当前显示读数 ±1N,远远超过EN 1488-2 的精度要求
- 穿刺仪可存储多达500个读数
- RS232数据输出到打印机或电脑
- 坚固,易于清洁和便携式设计
- 内置1000 N力学传感器
- 15个备用穿刺针,安装快速简便
- 实时显示并获得清晰的结果
- 反向屏幕显示,方便读取数据
- 操作简单,无需过多培训
- EN 14488-2 喷浆混凝土初始固化的抗压强度测试

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