Press stud popper pull-off test

Case study
Popper press-stud pull-off test with UltraTest
Popper press-stud pull-off test with UltraTest
Popper and press-stud pull-off testing grips, fixtures and tensile tester
Popper and press-stud pull-off testing grips, fixtures and tensile tester


  • Motorised tensile test stand and gauge
  • Clamping fixture and claw accessory


  • Approved product quality testing to customer specification
  • Simple and reliable test procedure
  • Test To Failure (TTF) condition detected and captured automatically
  • Confidence in meeting safety standards


The customer was a supplier to major clothing retailer Marks & Spencer, who stipulate that all fasteners and attachments must be tested to failure.

The strength of the press-stud joint was critical to ensure that it met design tolerance and safety levels, particularly in baby clothing. 

A motorized unit with a test speed was defined as 200 mm/min as the system needed to be simple to use in a production environment and provide consistent results.


The female part of the press-stud or 'popper' was placed under the retaining ring of the lower half of the Pull-Off fixture. The retaining ring was then locked in place by turning the lever of a cam mechanism.

The upper half of the fixture had an adjustable collet to fit over the male part of the press-stud. The collet was then tightened over the male part of the press-stud. The collet was then tightened to secure it in place. For ease of loading the male-press stud and to ensure a straight pull, the upper half of the fixture was connected to the force gauge via a flexible chain link.

The peak tension load to separate the press stud (or break the material joint) was captured on the force gauge display at the fast data-acquisition speed of 1200 Hz.

Test equipment

  • 1000 N UltraTest Motorized Test Stand
  • 500 N AFG
  • Press-Stud Pull-Off Fixture
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