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Case study
Teste de flexão de três pontos de espuma de prancha de surfe
Requerimento Uma empresa que fabrica blanks para pranchas de surfe, feitos de espuma rígida de poliuretano (PU), realiza um programa de testes rigorosos para garantir a rigidez da espuma e a resistência do produto final da prancha de surfe.
Testador de torque do tampão
O testador de torque digital Orbis é ideal para testes básicos de torque no sentido horário e anti-horário. Operada manualmente e medindo até 6 Nm, sua capacidade é ideal para a maioria das tampas e fechamentos destinados a serem abertos manualmente.…
Case study
Teste de força e desmontagem de etiquetas de identificação de animais
Requerimento A Federação Dinamarquesa de Gado e seu braço comercial RYK são responsáveis pelo registro de dados de gado leiteiro em 98 por cento dos rebanhos na Dinamarca.
Case study
Force testing of watch components and attachments
The time displayed on our mobile phones and other digital devices will always be more accurate than the time displayed on even the most skilfully engineered mechanical watch—so why does the watch industry continue to thrive?
Case study
Construction safety netting certification testing
IPS Safety Netting supplies and installs thousands of safety nets for the construction industry. The nets are used for arresting falls and for protection from falling debris.
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Software-controlled force systems
Sophisticated power that's easy to use
Semi-automated tensile testers improve the accuracy and repeatability of your measurements compared to manual force gauges.
Case study
Extreme sports waterproof bio-textile mechanical properties
Amphibio Ltd develops bio-inspired materials technology for the outdoor and extreme sports industry.
Case study
Face mask strength testing
With China now producing over 200 million face masks a day — more than twenty times the amount it made at the start of February – plus other nations diverting manufacturing expertise into face-mask, respirator and other non-invasiv
Case study
Toothbrush tester for bristle stiffness and pull-out resistance
Toothbrushes are just as important as toothpaste for ensuring effective oral hygiene. As consumers we often underestimate the essential role they play in removing food particles, getting rid of plaque and stimulating the gums.
Case study
Bottle cap torque testing with custom mandrels
A key element, when measuring the opening and closing torque characteristics between a bottle and its cap, is to minimise any distortion of the closure by gripping evenly and uniformly.
Case study
Automotive switchgear controls testing systems
Automotive electrical systems suppliers to OEM manufacturers are tasked with meeting extensive quality and performance standards to remain high tier providers.
Case study
Teste de força de separação de cartuchos de espingarda e de crimpagem
Requerimento Ao fazer munição para armas de pequeno calibre, como cartuchos de espingarda, os pellets, maço e pó estão contidos em uma caixa de plástico.
Case study
Battery terminal weld integrity tensile test
BMZ is one the largest European suppliers involved in the design and manufacture of specialist custom made battery systems for mobile power applications.
Case study
Teste de resistência à tração de luvas cirúrgicas de borracha
Requerimento Ao selecionar luvas especializadas, geralmente são a resistência e o alongamento do material que são os fatores mais importantes na determinação da qualidade e desempenho.
Case study
Retort packaging 90 degree peel and lid strength testing
The food packaging industry has long had concerns about pinholes, flex cracks and leaks in the flexible materials and seals of retort flexible lidded packaging.
Case study
Alumina sphere crush test
G.T. Michelli Co. serves a wide variety of industries and markets from petrochemical manufacturing to biomedical facilities.
Case study
Lighting weld test
A simple, low-cost fixture was specified by the customer for the Quality Control Laboratory. This was to hold a lighting assembly in a test where the welded contacts were pulled off.
Case study
Teste de solda de iluminação
Requerimento Um acessório simples e de baixo custo foi especificado pelo cliente para o Laboratório de Controle de Qualidade. Isso era para segurar um conjunto de iluminação em um teste onde os contatos soldados foram retirados.
Case study
Peel testing Ostomy bags
Salts Healthcare, a leading manufacturer and supplier of health care products required a low capacity system for testing the integrity of their hydrocolloid products.
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Motorised torque test stands
Repeatable torque testing
Looking for a motorised torque testing system to improve the accuracy and repeatability of your measurements compared to manual torque testers?
Case study
DVD removal force test
The customer, a leading supplier of boxed DVD’s, had experienced a wide variation in the amount of force required to remove the DVD from the central spigot of the case.
Case study
Teste de extração de rolhas de uísque
Requerimento Para melhorar a qualidade e o armazenamento de seu produto premium de $ 1000, a equipe de P&D de um fabricante líder de uísque escocês precisava otimizar o design de suas rolhas de garrafa.
Case study
Pork pie penetration test
Vale of Mowbray have been baking pork pies since 1928.
Case study
Respiratory device spring test
Bespak is a leader in specialty medical devices for inhaled drug delivery and anaesthesia.
Case study
Tension and compression testing for education in solid mechanics
The Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London was a pioneering organisation in the formulation of this discipline and today is the leading establishment of its kind in the UK.