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Case study
Plastic film tension test
The customer uses a double layer plastic film for packaging film for packaging of pet food and confectionary.
Case study
Teste de tração de fixação de arco em roupas
Requerimento O cliente era um fornecedor de um grande varejista de roupas do Reino Unido, Marks & Spencer, que estipula que todos os fechos e acessórios devem ser testados até a falha.
Case study
Wine cork extraction test to ISO 9727-5
The customer, AMORIM & IRMÃOS, S.A – Unidade Industrial da Valada, required an economic and easy-to-use system to test the extraction force of corks from glass wine bottles.
Case study
Sachet compression test
To compress six sachets of ketchup or mayonnaise until failure of the packaging occurred.
The peak compressive force was required as the test result.
Ring Crush Test - Carrier plus Ring Compression Test Insert
A number of test methods and standards employed by various industry bodies call upon specific crush fixtures and
associated accessories to be used in conjunction with a compression tester. The Ring Compression Test Carrier and selected size island Insert…
Interface cable, ELS(-S) loadcell to MultiTest 0.5-dV and 1-dV test stands
Connects the ELS and ELS-S range of loadcells to the MultiTest 0.5-dV and MultiTest 1-dV test stands.
Comprises a 13500mm long cable fitted with a Hirose 6-pin circular loadcell connector and a Binder 12-pin circular test stand connector.
Case study
Bow attachment pull-off test on clothing
The customer was a supplier to major UK clothing retailer Marks & Spencer, who stipulate that all fasteners and attachments must be tested to failure.
Case study
Teste de compressão de sachê
Requerimento Comprimir seis saquetas de ketchup ou maionese até que ocorra o rompimento da embalagem. O pico de força compressiva foi necessário como resultado do teste.
Case study
Industrial fixtures and fasteners
SFS intec is a global supplier of precision components, special fasteners and mechanical fastening elements, with long-standing customer relationships, in the aerospace, automotive and construction industries.
Case study
High Performance Plasma Coatings
Alphatek Hyperformance Coatings Ltd. are a coatings company that applies wear, corrosion, heat or electrically resistive coatings, supplying to many different industries.
Case study
Lancet needle retention test
A UK based medical device company who design and manufacture a range of blood glucose monitoring and control equipment used by healthcare professionals and consumers across the globe, needed a test solution to ensure the quality of
Mechanical force gauge
A simple solution for basic push and pull tests applied by hand.
Robust mechanical force gauges designed for general tension and compression tests up to 440 N.
Easy-to-use with an analogue dial and needle pointer, to indicate the force applied.
Case study
Tubo de choque do detonador
Requerimento Um fabricante de tubos não elétricos para detonadores de choque para aplicações industriais tinha um requisito de teste de tração especializado.
Case study
Adhesive test on capsulated stoppers
A capsulated stopper (T-top, Bar-Top or Altop®) is a natural or synthetic cork stopper where the end is glued into a cap of wood, PVC, porcelain, metal, glass or other material.
Case study
Aluminium cap nozzle flexure break-off force
A major global supplier of medical gas devices and components required quality control tests to assess part of a new product.
Case study
Testing ventilator and breathing assistance apparatus components
A ventilator (respirator) provides ‘mechanical ventilation’ by moving breathable air into and out of the lungs of patients unable to breathe sufficiently well unaided.
Case study
Extração de bala e teste de força de assentamento
Requerimento Ao fazer munição, o projétil é colocado no invólucro e é cravado ou selado no lugar. O "pescoço" do cartucho tem tensão natural, mas o crimp / selante faz a maior parte do trabalho para manter o projétil no lugar.
Case study
Laminated auto windshield perimeter seal peel testing
The windshield (or windscreen) in your car is made of laminated glass, which is designed to offer the highest levels of safety in the event of a crash.
Case study
Teste de força e torque do tubo de batom
Requerimento O batom é de longe o produto cosmético mais popular, com mais de 800 milhões de tubos vendidos todos os anos em todo o mundo ... e as vendas são resilientes mesmo em tempos de recessão.
Case study
Acessórios e fixadores industriais
Requerimento A SFS intec é um fornecedor global de componentes de precisão, fixadores especiais e elementos mecânicos de fixação, com relacionamento de longa data com clientes, nas indústrias aeroespacial, automotiva e de construção.
Case study
Extruded Seal Deflection, Insertion and Extraction Forces
Vintech Industries Inc. is a global Tier 2 supplier of thermoplastic extrusion components to the automotive and non-auto RV industry.
Medidor de força mecânico
Uma solução simples para testes básicos de empurrar e puxar aplicados à mão. Medidores de força mecânicos robustos projetados para testes gerais de tensão e compressão até 440 N. Fácil de usar com um mostrador analógico e ponteiro de agulha, para…
MultiTest 0.5 bellows assembly (1200 mm)
Optional bellows for the MultiTest 0.5 range of single-column test stands. Used to protect against dust and particle ingress and splash into the column.
Note that fitting of bellows reduces throat depth on test stand by 18mm.
Order with a MultiTest 0.5…
Cork Extraction Test Rig
The Cork Extraction Test Rig is used to test the extraction force of corks and other bottle stoppers.
The lower part of the fixtures fits to the base of a test stand. It has a bottle cradle with an anti-slip surface and is easily adjusted to accommodate…