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Test Hook (small), 50 N, 10-32 UNF
Small Fixed Hook fitted with 10-32 UNF female thread. Used for general purpose tension tests.
Interface cable, CAPTEST, RS232
Connects CAPTEST to RS232 serial printers. Comprises mini-DIN male connector to 9-pin female D-connector.
Height Scale Bracket Kit for LCP/S Test Stand
Bracket Set only. Used for mounting of a Mitutoyo ABS-type Digital Height Scale to the lever-operated Manual Test Stand model LCP/S.
Note: Height-scale not included
Top-load PET bottle CSD non-vented
OmniTest 2.5
Top-load testing (also known as 'column-crush' and 'axial force resistance') is performed mainly on blow moulded, thermoformed or injection moulded plastic containers such as PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) bottles.
Calibrador de chave de torque
O calibrador de chave de torque TWC é uma solução simples e econômica para verificar as configurações das chaves padrão 'feixe', 'clique' e 'quebra'. Operado manualmente e medindo torque de até 1000 Nm no sentido horário e anti-…
Case study
Força de ruptura de sachê farmacêutico
Exemplo de engenharia customizada Sachês de plástico com costuras soldadas são freqüentemente usados para aplicações medidas de líquidos, cremes e géis.
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ASTM D4833-07
This test method is an index test for determining the puncture resistance of geomembranes and related products. The use of this test method is to establish an index value by providing standard criteria and a basis for uniform reporting.
Case study
Mandris de tampa de garrafa personalizados
Exemplo de engenharia customizada As tampas de plástico aplicadas às garrafas podem ter paredes finas e flexíveis, de modo que ficam distorcidas quando agarradas por um operador durante o teste de torque.
Case study
Custom bottle cap mandrels
Customised engineering example
Plastic caps applied to bottles may be thin-walled and flexible, so that they become distorted when gripped by an operator during torque testing.
Case study
Mandril de fechos resistentes a crianças (CRC)
Exemplo de engenharia customizada Os fechos resistentes a crianças (CRC) requerem força vertical suficiente para ativar o mecanismo de travamento CR antes de aplicar o torque.
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ASTM F2878-10
This test method is used for determining the force required to cause a hypodermic needle to penetrate through protective clothing material.
Case study
Split mandrels for closure torque testing
Customised engineering example
Smooth surfaces of twist caps, used on bottles and jars, require enough gripping force to avoid slipping during a torque test but without creating distortion in the cap.
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EN 12089
Thermal insulating materials, Bend testing, Construction materials, Loading, Deflection tests, Mechanical testing, Testing conditions, Test equipment, Test specimens, Reports, Accuracy, Reproducibility.
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ASTM F37-00
1.1 These test methods provide a means of evaluating the sealing properties of sheet and solid form-in-place gasket materials at room temperature.
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ASTM F1140/F1140M-13
These test methods provide a rapid means of evaluating tendencies for package failure when the package is exposed to a pressure differential. Pressure differentials may occur during processes such as sterilization and transportation.
Case study
Seringa de vidro Luer lock anexo pull-off
Exemplo de engenharia customizada Os adaptadores Luer Lock de policarbonato são encaixados em bicos de seringa de vidro com encaixe por fricção. A garantia de qualidade exige que eles não possam ser fornecidos gratuitamente em uso normal.
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Medidores de força digitais
Os medidores de força digitais da Mecmesin oferecem excelente precisão e acessibilidade.
Medical Devices: Syringe & Needle Testing Fundamentals
Every manufacturer (and patient) requires reliable needle and syringe function - ensuring safe & efficient drug administration.
Therefore, checking the performance and functionality of these medical devices is critical, with physical testi
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Test Equipment
Mecmesin offers a range of force testing equipment suitable for syringe testing under ISO 11040-4 Annex F. Our solutions include the OmniTest universal testing machine, which is highly accurate and reliable for this application.
Fundamentals of Adhesion (Peel) Testing
There is a reason people reach for Duct Tape as a fix for almost everything – Adhesion Strength. From busted pipes to ripped furniture, the preference for a solution that “does not easily peel off” is the guiding principle for manufactures.
Case study
Força do componente de montagem elétrica
Exemplo de engenharia customizada Devido às formas complexas e assimétricas dos conjuntos elétricos, pode ser difícil agarrar as peças soldadas, fundidas e soldadas de uma forma que imite as forças aplicadas durante o uso.
Case study
Electrical assembly component strength
Customised engineering example
Due to the complex, asymmetric shapes of electrical assemblies, it can be difficult to grip the soldered, fused and welded parts in a way that mimic the forces applied when in use.
Case study
Mandris divididos para teste de torque de fechamento
Exemplo de engenharia customizada As superfícies lisas das tampas de torção, usadas em garrafas e potes, exigem força de preensão suficiente para evitar escorregar durante um teste de torque, mas sem criar distorção na tampa.
Fundamentals of Texture Testing Analysis
The primary goal for using instrumentation to measure texture is to capture an objective value to something that is typically evaluated very subjectively. Texture cannot be controlled unless it measured in a consistent and repeatable manner.