Part Number
V-Jaws (4-34mm diameter with clamping height of 40mm) - nickel-plated having a hardened steel surface of 1.2mm pitch teeth to create a V-shaped groove.

For round samples where flat jaws do not provide enough surface contact (e.g. wires, rods, tubes).

Supplied as 0.5 set = 2 jaws (left & right). Order any combination of 2 half sets of jaws to fit into a pair of suitable Mec154 Heavy-duty Vice grips (upper & lower)
Mec154-BV4 V-shaped jaw
Mec154 10 kN vice grip, aluminium, pair (without jaws) QC fitting
Heavy-duty Single-action Vice Grip, QC fitting DS-1068-02-L00 Heavy-duty Single-action Vice Grip, QC fitting DS-1068-02-L00

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