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Featured or equivalent test standards for Mecmesin solutions in this section

To maintain consistent performance and accuracy, tools must be checked regularly. Early detection of worn parts may become evident when a tool starts to drift out of tolerance, so catching it early can prevent premature tool failure which may lead to costly interruption to production throughput or potentially even cause a failure in the product you are assembling.
Whether it is a surgical instrument which needs to have the right feel and clamping force when used by a surgeon, or a torque tool used to tighten screws in a medical implant, or a setting-tool designed to apply a constant force, it is only by regular maintenance and calibration that you can ensure repeatable performance and accuracy.
Using Mecmesin force and torque testing instruments you can regularly monitor your assembly tools and output the test data to compare the tool's performance over time and identify potential deterioration and wear.
Featured or equivalent test standards for Mecmesin solutions in this section