Using a UTM as a calibration tool for loadcells

Case study
Applied tension measurement loadcell calibrator using Multitest UTM
Applied tension measurement loadcell calibrator using Multitest UTM
Applied compression measurement loadcell calibrator using Multitest UTM
Applied compression measurement loadcell calibrator using Multitest UTM


  • MultiTest software-controlled motorised Universal Testing Machine
  • Emperor Force software
  • Tension Hook and Compression Plate fixtures


  • Semi-automated calibration process
  • Quick and repeatable checking by any operator
  • Cost-efficient solution with simple accessories


When it comes to configuring and calibrating a loadcell in tension and compression this can be a time-consuming process, particularly when the loads concerned are too high to use a set of calibrated weights (also known as ‘masses’).

Using a precision master loadcell driven by a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) force testing system can be a cost-effective way of quickly verifying the characteristics of a secondary loadcell of a lower accuracy grade.  Instead of performing a lengthy process by using a manually-operated device to apply full load, release to zero, then apply incremental steps back up to full load again, the “heavy lifting” is done by the UTM and its powerful software.


Mecmesin has supplied a number of affordable bench-top test systems for this application to UK and international calibration centres.

The precision master loadcell is a key component of the Mecmesin UTM test system boasting an accuracy of better than ± 0.2%. The tester’s software is pre-programmed to take full control and carry out the loading routines on the secondary loadcell in both tension and compression. It stops at the exact load point as required by the calibration procedure, allowing the inspector to read and record the values from the display connected to the secondary loadcell.

As a cross-calibrator for secondary loadcells the Mecmesin UTMs have become an invaluable resource to save time and money by increasing throughput in the calibration arena.

Test equipment

  • MultiTest 2.5-i software-controlled motorised UTM
  • Emperor Force software
  • Tension Hook and Compression Plate fixtures
  • Calibration-grade loadcell force indicator
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