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Part Number
A Thermal Cabinet for mounting on twin-column OmniTest Material Testing frames to allow for specimens to be tested in a temperature-controlled space from -80°C to +280°C. The chamber is Ideal for running tests conforming to plastics and rubber standards ISO 527, ASTM D638 and ISO 37.
The chamber is mounted on a universal fore/aft rail to allow the cabinet to be moved rearwards, away from the test space, to enable the machine to be used for normal ambient condition testing.
A range of high-temperature grips, adapters, extension connectors, pull rods, push rods and Telfon tubes for pneumatic operation are available.
Mec27100+SSR Thermal Cabinet on MecRail1200 retraction rails
Mec2700 Thermal Cabinet on OmniTest-50 no grips lighting on
Mec2700 Thermal Cabinet system including temperature controller on OmniTest-50
Temperature Chambers Technical Datasheet Temperature Chambers Technical Datasheet

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