Online demonstrations and training available from Mecmesin technical sales engineers

Online test equipment and training demos


As more people are working from home to reduce travel, our technical sales engineers can provide online equipment demos or training sessions via web-based video calls.

If possible, send in your own samples and our sales team will be able to present your own products being tested.

Get in touch to discuss your requirements and to arrange an online demo or training session.

Child resistant closures (CRC) mandrel

SEVEN SEAS cap mandrels designed specifically for an exact fit
SEVEN SEAS cap mandrels designed specifically for an exact fit
SEVEN SEAS cap mandrels and pneumatic-lift fixture on Vortex XT
SEVEN SEAS cap mandrels and pneumatic-lift fixture on Vortex XT

Customised engineering example

Child Resistant Closures (CRC) require sufficient vertical force to activate the CR locking mechanism prior to torque being applied.

Testing the removal, retention or reverse-ratchet torques is best achieved by using Mecmesin motorised torque testers, the VortexPro and HelixaPro. These testers enable a downward load to be applied in conjunction with the torque application. They allow you to apply torque at a constant speed in accordance with international and industry standards.  Obtaining the most reliable and repeatable test results is attained by using a custom-profiled mandrel for the cap. This avoids distorting the closure which would affect the torque readings.

Our VectorPro software has been developed with a robust architecture and database strategy to facilitate the security and integrity demands of those industries where compliance is mandatory. In the medical and pharma sectors, FDA 21 CFR Part 11 is an important consideration.

Mecmesin regularly design and provide custom mandrels, especially to the pharmaceuticals packaging sector. Contact us with your requirements for a quick response towards improved testing.

A complete torque testing solution with accessories and software for CRC phama packaging caps
VortexPro with VectorPro 21 CFR-compliant software indicating torque behaviour of a CRC cap with adjustable container fixture
VectorPro software showing torque against angle in unscrewing the pharma cap
VectorPro software collects torque data once the vertical load has engaged the child-resistant mechanism within the cap design
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