Online demonstrations and training available from Mecmesin technical sales engineers

Online test equipment and training demos


As more people are working from home to reduce travel, our technical sales engineers can provide online equipment demos or training sessions via web-based video calls.

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Removal torque of cap from drug delivery device

Case study
Vortex-i and drug delivery device test results
Vortex-i and drug delivery device test results
Vortex-i torque tester for drug delivery device testing
Vortex-i torque tester for drug delivery device testing


  • Software-controlled torque testing system
  • Torque testing software


  • Ultimate accuracy and repeatability from motor-driven software control
  • Flexibilty to design bespoke R&D test routines
  • Interchangeble torque cells to measure a range of expected torque values
The Vortex-i system has enabled us to eliminate the variability of results experienced with our previous manually-operated testing systems, allowing accurate and consistent testing of the conformance of our drug delivery systems to our stringent in-house standards.

Stephen Byrne,
Becton Dickinson


Global medical technology company Becton Dickinson (BD) needed to assess the torque required to twist off the cap of a drug delivery device.

The test is performed as a manufacturing quality control measure. The company were using a manually operated torque tester, but experienced a large variation in results due to differing testing techniques between operators.


Mecmesin supplied BD with the Vortex-i computer controlled torque measurement system. The motorised operation of the Vortex-i eliminated the anomalous variability of results, enabling the company to confidently and accurately assess the conformance of this device to their rigorous in-house test standards.

The simple and clear user interface allows BD operators to quickly and easily perform the test within their class 10000 clean room manufacturing environment.

The test data is then exported from Emperor™, the accompanying software of the Vortex-i, into Microsoft ® Excel for analysis and storage.

Test equipment

Company Info
  • Company: BD Medical Technology
  • Industry: Medical
  • Founded in 1897, BD is an innovator and leader in patient and healthcare worker safety and the technologies that enable medical research and clinical laboratories.
Company website

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