
Featured or equivalent test standards for Mecmesin solutions in this section

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Standard test pieces, either 'dog-bone' dumbbells, rings, or straight test pieces, of uniform cross-sectional area, are stretched in a tensile testing machine at a constant rate. Readings of force and elongation are taken as required during the uninterrupted stretching of the test piece and when it breaks. Measurement of 'tensile set' is also included.


Tensile tester

The tensile testing machine, Calibrated IAW ASTM E4.
Speed control capable of speeds between 1 mm/min (+/- 0.2 mm/min) up to 500 mm/min (+/- 50 mm/min).

Any of the OmniTest and MultiTest-dV range are suitable, as they support extensometers.


An extensometer is preferentially used, enabling accurate elongation measurement of the test piece. 

The Mecmesin MLTE extensometer range is suitable for extension measurements.

Test pieces

Five of test pieces are required, i.e. dumbbell-shaped types A, B, C, D, E, F; straight test pieces; or ring-shaped types 1 and 2.

Specimen cutters

  • The shape and dimensions of the die for preparing dumbbell specimens shall conform to the data in the test standard..
  • Sample presses are also available either manual or pneumatic, the testing machine may also be used to apply the force to cut the sample if it has sufficient capacity.


Some of the most common results and calculations include:

  • Tensile Strength (TS) Mpa
  • Elongation @Break (E) %
  • Stress @ a given Elongation (T) Mpa
  • Tensile Stress @ Yield (Y) Mpa
  • Tensile Set (E) % after 10 minute retraction period

This test standard is similar to ISO 37.

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