Display thin film coating 90 degree peel test

- Software-controlled tensile test stand
- 90 degree peel table fixture
- Miniature vice grip
- Flexibility to create test routines for research purposes
- Repeatable test procedure for back-to-back comparison
- Data export for in-depth analysis
The Thin Film Centre at University of Paisley conducts ground-breaking research into flexible displays and required the means to analyse the adhesion between films and their substrates.
Quantifying the adhesive properties would allow them to specify the characteristics of good and bad samples.
The Centre chose a Mecmesin computer-controlled test system fitted with a 90 degree assisted peel table to carry out the analysis because of the accuracy in measuring small forces and the high degree of control over test parameters.
The user-friendly Emperor software allowed the operators to evaluate different test parameters, such as peel speed, to develop standard tests. Different tapes were used to pull the thin film from its substrate and results could then be compared within the software. Maximum and average peel forces were calculated automatically and could be exported for use in reports or to other software packages such as Excel.
Once standard tests have been developed, pass and fail criteria could be added to the program to automatically indicate the quality of new samples.
Test equipment
- Imperial 2500 Computer-Controlled Stand (superseded by the MultiTest 2.5-i)
- 25 N Intelligent Loadcell
- Emperor Software
- 90 degree assisted peel table
- Miniature Vice Grip