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ASTM D6862-11
This test method is useful for acceptance and quality control testing. Adherends, application procedure, and sample conditioning shall be as agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user of the adherends and the adhesive.
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DIN EN 1464
This European Standard specifies a floating roller method for the determination of the peel resistance of high-strength adhesive bonds between one rigid adherend and one flexible adherend when tested under specified conditions of preparation and testing
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BS EN 671-2
Fire hydrants, Fire hoses, Firefighting equipment, Flexible pipes, Fire safety in buildings, Design, Performance, Performance testing, Conformity, Approval testing, Corrosion tests, Ageing tests, Flow measurement, Impact testing, Pressure testing, Hydra
Fundamentals of Torque Testing
If you have ever struggled to open your favorite bottle of water or jam or required help loosening the lug nuts on your car’s wheels, it is likely due to a case of over-torque.
Essentials of Grip & Fixture Selection Pt. 2
The accuracy of instrument itself- though important, is only one piece of the measurement accuracy puzzle. Grip and fixture selection plays a critical role in the applications in Force and Materials quality testing.
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ASTM D2061
No one test determines the suitability of a zipper for a specific end use. Since the tests are inter-related more than one may be needed for a complete evaluation.
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ASTM D5635-11
An important factor affecting the performance of membrane roofing systems is their ability to resist dynamic puncture loads. This test method provides a means to assess dynamic puncture resistance.
Texture Testing for Bakery Applications
The primary goal for using instrumentation to measure texture is to capture an objective value to something that is typically evaluated very subjectively. Texture cannot be controlled unless it measured in a consistent and repeatable manner.
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PSTC 101
These methods cover the measurement of the peel adhesion of pressure sensitive tapes.
Texture Testing for Bakery Applications
The primary goal for using instrumentation to measure texture is to capture an objective value to something that is typically evaluated very subjectively. Texture cannot be controlled unless it measured in a consistent and repeatable manner.
Fundamentals of Torque Testing
If you have ever struggled to open your favorite bottle of water or jam or required help loosening the lug nuts on your car’s wheels, it is likely due to a case of over-torque.
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ASTM D5602/D5602M-18
An important factor affecting the performance of many membrane roofing systems is their ability to resist static puncture loads. This test method provides a means for assessing static puncture resistance.
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BS EN 12562
Synthetic fibres, Polyamide fibres, Aramide fibres, Textile products, Textile testing, Yarn, Filament yarns, Filaments, Filament (textile fibre), Yarn testing, Yarn linear density determination, Elongation at fracture, Elongation, Force measurement, Mec
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ASTM D3032
These test methods detail the standard procedures for testing hookup wire insulations including all components of the insulation system used on single insulated conductors or an assembly of single insulated conductors such as a cable bundle and harness
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ISO 5628
Specifies three test methods for determining the bending stiffness of paper and paperboard. The test methods differ in the type of loading mode, thus giving rise to the two-point, three-point and four-point bending test methods.
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BS ISO 11040-4
This part of ISO 11040 applies to — tubing-glass barrels (single-chamber design) for injection preparations, and — sterilized subassembled syringes ready for filling.
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ASTM F2193-02
These specifications and test methods provide standard specifications that specify material, labeling, and handling requirements for components used in surgical fixation of the spinal skeletal system such as metallic spinal screws, spinal plates, and sp
Fundamentals of Torque Testing
If you have ever struggled to open your favorite bottle of water or jam or required help loosening the lug nuts on your car’s wheels, it is likely due to a case of over-torque.
Test Frame
OmniTestテストフレーム2Nから最大容量7.5kN (1686 lbf)までの引張力、せん断力、曲げ力、および圧縮力を適用するように設計された単一カラムの電動テストフレーム。その用途の広い構造により、品質管理や研究開発環境であらゆる種類の材料をテストするのに最適です。テストフレームを表示
Case study
Test Frame
OmniTestテストフレーム電動試験フレームは、デュアルカラムを特徴ツインボールねじによって駆動され、50キロニュートン(1100 LBF)の容量を右に2 Nの張力と圧縮を適用するように設計されました。その用途の広い構造により、品質管理や研究開発環境であらゆる種類の材料をテストするのに最適です。テストフレームを表示
Case study
要件SIPS Frames UK Ltd(SIPS Eco Panels)は、英国を代表する独立した構造用断熱パネルシステムメーカーの1つであり、セルフビルダーによるキットハウスの建設に使用されています。
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Flexural or bend testing is used It is a way of determining how something will react when it is put under opposing forces across a evaluate both the ductility and soundness of a material.
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double lap shear
Lap shear testing is used where an adhesive bond joins flat surfaces.
The required surfaces may be profiled, single, double or multiple, but standard test methods focus on a single joint.