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Case study
Hypodermic needle sharpness testing
Customised engineering example
Hypodermic needles are tested to determine how their design influences the ease of insertion into the skin, patient pain and skin trauma.
Case study
Industrial fluid container dispensing cap application and removal force
A system was required to measure the push-on force and removal force of an injection-moulded cap from a new design of oil can.
Case study
Test di estrazione dell'ago per puntale
Requisiti Il cliente, Oxford Instruments, desiderava eseguire un test di estrazione distruttivo per valutare la massima forza di tensione per separare i 2 componenti.
Case study
Test di nitidezza dell'ago ipodermico
Esempio di ingegneria personalizzato
Gli aghi ipodermici sono testati per determinare in che modo il loro design influenza la facilità di inserimento nella pelle, il dolore del paziente e il trauma cutaneo.
Case study
Morsa personalizzata per test di adesione della buccia
Esempio di ingegneria personalizzato Un produttore leader di imbottiti, utilizzato in veicoli e aeromobili, aveva bisogno di testare la resistenza all'adesione della buccia della pelle legata al metallo.
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Universal testing machines
To assess the quality of a finished product or component, it is often necessary to conduct multiple force tests.
Packaging: Peel & Adhesion testing
Adhesion strength is a key factor in packaging, providing reliability and durability for a wide range of products.
Whether it's ensuring that a shipping box remains sealed during transit or that labels stay firmly attached to containers, the a
Case study
Cosmetics brush pull-out testing
Customised engineering example
Our client is a major cosmetics company using a variety of brushes, make-up wand and applicator designs for all applications and wished to tensile test the integrity of the bristles.
Case study
Adjustable spectacles torque test
Customised engineering example
Adlens manufacture adaptive spectacle lenses, where the optical power is adjusted by a side dial which is then removed.
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ASTM D2646
These test methods may be used for acceptance testing of commercial shipments; however, caution is advised because information about between interlaboratory precision is incomplete. Comparative tests as directed in 5.1.1 may be advisable.
Mechanical Performance Testing of Medical Devices Webinar
A hands-on Force and Torque how-to demonstration event.
Case study
Prove di trazione del pannello utilizzato nell'autoassemblaggio e mobili già pronti
Requisiti Klaipedos Mediena e Klaipedos Baldai in Lituania fanno parte dei gruppi VMG e SBA e sono i principali produttori di mobili in legno in Lituania.
Case study
Contenitore per bevande in polvere
Esempio di ingegneria personalizzato Un fornitore internazionale di una bevanda calda al cioccolato in polvere voleva testare diversi aspetti della loro confezione.
Case study
Test di estrazione di monete in euro
Requisiti Il cliente doveva scoprire la forza per estrarre la parte interna della moneta da 1 e 2 Euro dalle sue parti esterne.
Medical Device Testing: Torque testing of Child Resistant Closures (CRC) with 21 CFR Part 11 compliance
Torque testing of Child Resistant Closures (CRC) with 21 CFR Part 11 compliance
Interface cable, AFG/AFTI to MultiTest-dV / Vortex-dV, Stand reverse & RS232
Interface cable, AFG to MultiTest-dV (2003-April 2020)…
Automated Syringe Batch Tester
The Automated Syringe Batch tester is a bench-top system for checking the ‘break-loose’ and ‘glide force’ of up to 12 individual syringes in one ‘load-and-run’ cycle. In the face of increased demand on production of syringes, this system enables larger…
Crush Test Fixture with Precision Guide
Precise alignment of the upper compression plate with the test piece is essential for optimum accuracy of results. Mecmesin recommends a minimum of self-adjusting compression plates and, for ECT and RCT tests, the Crush Test Fixture featuring a Precision…
Digital Height Scale and Brackets for LCP/S Test Stand
432-162 V01
Digital Height Scale and Brackets for mounting to the lever-operated Manual Test Stand model LCP/S.
The digital display of the height-scale is fixed to the moving crosshead of the test stand so that it's displacement can be monitored. This is often…
Horizontal feet kit for 2.5 kN single-column test stand (on side)
Feet kit for the horizontal operation of a MultiTest motorised test.
When fitted the front panel of the test stand will be on its side for ease-of-operation by the user.
Set of 4 fixing pegs for torque testers - 35 mm high
Set of standard 35mm high gripping pegs.
These gripping pegs have a soft-rubber sleeve to clamp and keep samples secure and vertically aligned during torque testing.
Pegs are fitted with an M6 thread and attach to upper and lower Torque Fixing Tables…
Protective Dust Cover for fitting to MultiTest 2.5-xt stand (500 mm) and console
The covers offer protection to MultiTest 2.5-xt motorised test stands in dusty and dirty environments.
They are durable and easy to clean, and feature quick-acting velcro fastening strips for simple fitting and removal.
Dust covers are available for…
Puncture Test Fixture to EN ISO 14477, 500N, QC-20 fitting
This EN ISO 14477 Puncture Test Fixture is for testing resistance strength in flexible packaging materials.
The specimen is clamped in the lower specimen holder, which is connected to the base plate of the test stand via a QC-20 female hole.
An upper '…
Horizontal feet kit for 2.5 kN single-column test stand (on side)
Feet kit for the horizontal operation of a MultiTest motorised test.
When fitted the front panel of the test stand will be on its side for ease-of-operation by the user.
Protective Dust Cover for fitting to MultiTest 2.5-i stand (500 mm)
The covers offer protection to MultiTest 2.5-i motorised test stands in dusty and dirty environments.
They are durable and easy to clean, and feature quick-acting velcro fastening strips for simple fitting and removal.
Dust covers are available for…