Understanding Top-Load Testing - Live Application Demo

Mecmesin - Webinar event
Moses Da Rocha

Packaging manufacturers use top-load or crush testing to ensure packaging integrity, and to eliminate material excess while maintaining quality. “Downgauging” or “light-weighting” is a process with high environmental and business significance, since packaging soon becomes waste material, and excess material has powerful cost ramifications.

This will be a live, out-of-the-box demonstration where we’ll go through the process of setting up the tester - describing what everything does, programming the unit and running various top-load tests. We’ll then analyze the data and help you interpret the results!

You’ll learn how-to:

  • Set-up the tester – describing the major components and what everything does . . .
  • Select test-appropriate fixtures – vented vs. non-vented compression plates
  •  Establish Pass/Fail criteria
  • Program the tester to measure and record the:
    - Force when the container is compressed to a certain displacement
    - Deflection when the container is compressed to a known force
  • Point of deformation or container failure
  •  Troubleshoot for tester and software errors
  •  Identify factors that affect data repeatability and consistency