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MDD Precision Handwheel

Manual test stand

Precision (Wheel)
MDD Precision Handwheel

The MDD is a precision, manually-operated test stand featuring a leadscrew and reinforced crosshead, whose movement is controlled by a handwheel.

Portable and can be bench-mounted for use in a vertical or horizontal position. Fit a digital height scale to measure crosshead movement.

Combine with any Mecmesin digital force gauge to measure tension and compression up to 1000 N.

Mecmesin MDD manual test stand with AFG gauge for compression and height scale
Precision (Lever)
LCP/S Precision Lever

The LCP/S is a precision, manually-operated test stand featuring a rack-and-pinion with reinforced crosshead, whose movement is controlled by a lever.

Compact, portable and can be bench-mounted for use in a vertical position. Fit a digital height scale to measure crosshead movement.

Combine with any Mecmesin digital force gauge to measure tension and compression up to 500 N.

Mecmesin LCP/S manual lever test stand with AFG product photo
Basic (Wheel)
ValuTest-D Handwheel

The ValuTest-D is a simple, manually-operated test stand featuring a basic leadscrew and moving crosshead controlled by a handwheel.

Bench-mounted for use in a vertical position. Not recommended for applications requiring precise measurement of crosshead movement.

Combine with any Mecmesin digital force gauge to measure tension and compression up to 1000 N.

Mecmesin ValueTest-D manual wheel test stand with CFG product photo
Basic (Lever)
ValueTest-L Lever

The ValuTest-L is a simple, manually-operated test stand featuring a basic rack-and-pinion with reinforced crosshead, whose movement is controlled by a lever.

Can be bench-mounted for use in a vertical position. Not recommended for applications requiring precise measurement of crosshead movement.

Combine with any Mecmesin digital force gauge to measure tension and compression up to 500 N.

Mecmesin ValueTest-L manual wheel test stand with CFG product photo

Manually-operated test stands are compact, portable, and can be bench-mounted for ergonomic use.

Combine with any Mecmesin digital force gauge to measure tension and compression up to 1000 N.

Force gauge sold separately.

Page Pull Tester

Perfect binding adhesive strength tester

The Mecmesin 'Pira' Page Pull Tester is used in over 100 binderies across the world.

It provides a robust, economical and reproducible method of measuring the page pull strength of perfect-bound books.

By enabling an efficient binding endurance test, the Page Pull Tester is a proven reliable quality control and assessment tool, identifying many binding adhesion problems as they occur.

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