2022 Medical Technology Ireland, Galway, Ireland - We would love to see you there!

Mecmesin - Exhibition/Trade show event

Who should attend?

Quality Managers and design/product engineers involved in the development and production of medical and pharmaceutical devices and packaging.

What is the exhibition about?

At Mecmesin, we are looking forward to welcoming new and existing customers to stand 30 to show you how Mecmesin can support you with our industry leading materials, force and torque testing solutions.  We look forward to discussing our range of test machines, which provide the ideal solution for testing the complex requirements of medical device components, raw materials and assemblies as well as their packaging.

Where can I find James Heal?

Come and find us from 21-22 September, 2022 at the Galway Racecourse, Ireland.  Our application engineers will be there to help you.