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ASTM C133-97
ASTM C133-97 outlines standardized test methods for determining the cold crushing strength and modulus of rupture of refractory materials.
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DIN EN 61238-1
Electric connectors, Crimped connectors, Electric cables, Power cables, Electric conductors, Electric wires, Copper, Aluminium, Temperature, Classification systems, Type testing, Short-circuit current tests, Resistance measurement, Mechanical testing, T
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ASTM F963-17
This specification relates to possible hazards that may not be recognized readily by the public and that may be encountered in the normal use for which a toy is intended or after reasonably foreseeable abuse.
Caso de estudio
Prueba de tracción del detonador de tubo de choque
Requisito Un fabricante de detonadores de tubos de choque no eléctricos para aplicaciones industriales tenía un requisito de prueba de tracción especializado.
Caso de estudio
Prueba de tensión de película de plástico
Requisito El cliente utiliza una película de plástico de doble capa para el embalaje de películas para el envasado de alimentos para mascotas y productos de confitería.
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Fastening torque
Bolts and screws secure many constructions, and the equal integrity and performance of each is crucial.
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Compression testing
Compression testing is a way of determining how something will react when it is squashed, or when a force is applied to it in compression.
It is performed to:
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Abrasion is the surface wear caused by rubbing with another material. The consumer would expect textiles and other products to withstand a certain amount of deterioration.
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Texture testing
Terms commonly used across different food sectors to describe food attributes include hardness, tenderness, firmness, cohesiveness, springiness, stickiness etc.
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Baumann tear test
- slit cut laterally in the centre of sample; used to test the tear strength of leather
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Needle penetration and drag testing assess the force required to insert a needle into a material and the friction experienced during this process. This test ensures that syringes perform reliably, reducing risks to patients and healthcare providers.
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Shear testing is a very popular and valuable test method applicable to food texture analysis.
This method applies slicing or 'shearing' to the product, which replicates the action of the front incisors when food is introduced into the mouth.
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texture, compression
Compression is one of the most common texture tests, especially for food products. Typically a sample is placed on a flat surface and an upper compression platen is lowered into the sample.
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Compressive burst
The integrity of a fluid or gas-filled container can be tested in terms of its propensity to burst.
This may involve a failure in the material by splitting, or perhaps a seal/seam gives way or even the closure can break loose.
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T-peel test procedures are commonly used to measure peel strength for flexible laminates.In this test, the entire load applied is transmitted to the bond. This type of peel thus tends to provide the lowest values of any peel test
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puncture resistance
Puncture resistance is a function of controlled stretch and tear at a point.
Caso de estudio
Accesorios industriales y sujetadores
Requisito SFS intec es un proveedor global de componentes de precisión, sujetadores especiales y elementos de sujeción mecánicos, con relaciones de larga data con los clientes, en las industrias aeroespacial, automotriz y de construcción.
Caso de estudio
Pantalla de recubrimiento de película delgada prueba de pelado de 90 grados
Requisito El Thin Film Center de la Universidad de Paisley lleva a cabo una investigación innovadora en pantallas flexibles y requiere los medios para analizar la adhesión entre las películas y sus sustratos.
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The general government sector covers institutions and public bodies where regulations and standards must be strictly adhered to.
Caso de estudio
Medición de las características del resorte de la bomba de combustible del motor
Requisito Uno de los mayores fabricantes de piezas de automóviles en la República Checa, parte de un grupo importante, requirió que varios de sus componentes se probaran bajo altas cargas.
Caso de estudio
Prueba de exfoliación de tarjetas de identidad
Requisito El cliente produce tarjetas de identidad con una cubierta laminada.
Mecmesin pioneers the world’s ultimate digital force gauge
Ground-breaking VFG touchscreen force gauge
Caso de estudio
Aplicación de la tapa de dispensación del contenedor de fluido industrial y fuerza de extracción
Requisito Se requería un sistema para medir la fuerza de empuje y la fuerza de extracción de una tapa moldeada por inyección de un nuevo diseño de lata de aceite.