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ASTM D2339
By the nature of the way adhesives are used in two-ply wood construction, shear strength is an important performance criteria.
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ASTM D4964-96
5.1 This test method for testing loop tension and elongation of elastic fabrics is considered satisfactory for acceptance testing of commercial shipments of elastic fabrics because the test method is used in the trade for acceptance testing.
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ASTM D2062
The method(s) in the standard along with those in Test Methods D 2051, D 2052, D 2053, D 2054, D 2057, D 2058, D 2059, D 2060, and D 2061 are a collection of proven test methods.
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ASTM D3822
This test method covers the measurement of tensile properties of natural and man-made single textile fibers of sufficient length to permit mounting test specimens in a tensile testing machine.
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ISO 13939
Describes a method of comparing the performance test results of foil journal bearings, which are lubricated by air (gas) and supported by hydrodynamic force generated by the rotation of the rotating shaft.
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ASTM D6175-03
5.1 This test method is intended to provide information on the ability of an extruded catalyst to retain physical integrity during use.
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BS EN 1155
Closing and check mechanisms, Door closers, Electrically-operated devices, Ironmongery (buildings), Classification systems, Design, Performance, Durability, Temperature-rise limit, Test equipment, Sampling methods, Performance testing, Temperature, Elec
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BS ISO 7743
ISO 7743 specifies methods for the determination of the compression stress-strain properties of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber using a standard test piece, a product or a part of a product.
Four procedures are given:
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BS EN 29073-3
Non-woven cloth, Cloth, Textile products, Tensile testing, Testing conditions, Test specimens, Dimensions, Specimen preparation, Textile testing, Fabric testing
Texture Testing: Meat & Plant-based Proteins
The quality of meat is determined by a number of factors including, tenderness, juiciness, and flavor.
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Mecmesin supplies force, torque and materials testing equipment to defence contractors and their subcontractors around the world. These companies face stringent regulation in performance, quality and reliability..
Fundamentals of Food Texture Analysis
The primary goal for using instrumentation to measure texture is to capture an objective value to something that is typically evaluated very subjectively. Texture cannot be controlled unless it measured in a consistent and repeatable manner.
Caso de estudio
Resistencia al despegue de la banda de espuma en las viseras del PPE
Requisito Los protectores faciales (también conocidos como viseras faciales) son una herramienta de EPP vital que utilizan los trabajadores de primera línea en el sector de la salud para ayudar a prevenir la propagación de COVID-19.
Caso de estudio
Prueba de resistencia a la rotura de bala del lápiz labial
Requisito Barry M Cosmetics Ltd. es la marca británica líder de cosméticos de color, que ofrece una amplia gama de lápices labiales y pinturas para labios.
Caso de estudio
Pruebas de ayuda para entrenamiento con inyector de pluma
Requisito Crux Product Design es una agencia de diseño innovadora que ve los productos desde una idea creativa hasta la realidad de producción.
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What we do
From easy-to-use, hand-held force and torque gauges to software-controlled tensile testers and torque systems, we have the solution for your tension, compression and torque testing requirements.
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Electronic components and assemblies
Electrical assemblies rely on a collection of electrical components that have been connected together on a PCB or other surface to perform a specific function.
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ASTM F2999
1.1 This specification establishes requirements and test methods for specified elements and for certain mechanical hazards in adult jewelry.
Interface cable, VFG and VFTI to MultiTest-dV (May 2020-)
Gauge to stand (reverse/stop) & data transfer to stand
Interface cable, VFG and VFTI to MultiTest-dV Oct 2015- Apr 2020
Gauge to stand (reverse/stop) & data transfer to stand