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Universalprüfmaschinen (UPM) leicht gemacht
Mecmesin hat eine neue Reihe von hochpräzisen Tisch-Universalprüfmaschinen (UPM) in Ein- und Zweisäulenformaten entwickelt, um Druck- und Zugtests von 0,5 bis 50 kN genau durchzuführen.
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Universalprüfmaschinen (UPM) leicht gemacht
Mecmesin hat eine neue Reihe von hochpräzisen Tisch-Universalprüfmaschinen (UPM) in Ein- und Zweisäulenformaten entwickelt, um Druck- und Zugtests von 0,5 bis 50 kN genau durchzuführen.
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Bar snacks
The countline snack bar has diversified into several sectors from pure treat to healthy nutrition. The desired texture is also as diverse - from hard and crunchy to soft and chewy.
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BS EN ISO 10618
Carbon fibres, Mechanical properties of materials, Tensile strength, Tensile testing, Plastics, Impregnated materials, Yarn, Modulus of elasticity, Strain, Tensile strain, Loading, Reinforcing materials, Composite materials, Test equipment, Test specime
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This standard covers the general requirements and methods for testing sandwich core materials and for testing sandwich construction of the types used primarily in aircraft structures.
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BS 4863
Gives safety requirements for playpens for use by children up to 15kg in weight. It covers both rigid sided and mesh sided playpens.
Case study
Pumpspender Flaschenbetrieb
Beispiel für kundenspezifisches Engineering Als Methode zur Abgabe von Flüssigkeiten und Sprays werden Treibgase wie Druckgas aus vielen Gründen vermieden. An ihrer Stelle werden häufig Spender mit manuellen gefederten Pumpen eingesetzt.
Case study
Beispiel für kundenspezifisches Engineering Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Druck- und Zugfedern werden Torsionsfedern in verschiedenen Formen mit unterschiedlichen Beinpositionen hergestellt.
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ISO 2409
Describes a test method for assessing the resistance of paint coatings to separation from substrates when a right-angle lattice pattern is cut into the coating, penetrating through to the substrate.
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ASTM D6117-18
ASTM D6117 covers the evaluation of fastener use with “as manufactured” plastic lumber and shapes through the use of two different testing procedures:
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ASTM D6742 / D6742M
ASTM D6742 is the standard test method for tensile and compression testing of filled-hole polymer matrix composite laminates. It provides instructions for modifying open-hole tension and compression test methods to determine filled-hole tensile and com
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BS ISO 6133
BS ISO 6133 specifies five methods of calculating, after testing, the tear strength and the adhesion strength of vulcanized rubber or fabrics coated with or adhered to rubber or plastics.
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*corp Mastercard CQM: ID-1
Mastercard CQM requirement covers Peel Strength Test (TM-412 #8120#) and Advanced Peel Strength Test (TN-424 #8240#). Methods are based around ISO 10373-1 to determine the peel strength between 2 layers of an ID or security card.
Case study
Karton diagonale kante druckfestigkeit
Beispiel für kundenspezifisches Engineering Neben der axialen Belastungstestung an den Flachseiten von Kartonagen kann die Druckfestigkeit über die gegenüberliegenden Kanten ein wichtiges Maß sein.
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ASTM D3577
1. Scope ... 1.1 This specification describes certain requirements for packaged sterile rubber surgical gloves used in conducting surgical procedures.
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ASTM D412-16
ASTM D412 is a test standard for testing the tensile stress-strain properties of thermoset rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers. The standard is divided into two test methods.
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BS EN ISO 9626
This International Standard specifies the dimensions, surface and mechanical properties of normal- and thin-walled tubing of designated metric sizes 3,4 mm to 0,3 mm, and of extra-thin-walled tubing of designated metric sizes 2,1 mm to 0,6 mm.
Rice Texture Analysis
Rice is a staple food for billions of people worldwide, and its quality is intrinsically linked to its texture.
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ASTM D2095
This test method covers the determination of the relative tensile strength of adhesives by the use of bar- and rod-shaped butt-joined specimens under defined conditions of preparation, conditioning, and testing.
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BS EN 2243-1
Air transport engineering, Adhesives, Metals, Lapped joints, Adhesion tests, Shear testing, Mechanical testing, Test specimens
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BS EN 2243-4
Air transport engineering, Adhesives, Metals, Aluminium alloys, Cellular materials, Tensile testing, Adhesion tests, Test specimens, Specimen preparation, Testing conditions
Case study
Stabilisierte Federprüfung
Beispiel für kundenspezifisches Engineering Unser Kunde musste eine Reihe kleiner, leichter Federn unter Druck testen.
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ASTM D4179
1.1 This test method covers determining the resistance of formed catalysts and catalyst carriers to compressive force and is applicable to regular catalyst shapes such as tablets and spheres.
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ASTM D4255 / D4255M-15a
ASTM D4255 is a test method for testing the in-plane shear properties of high-modulus fiber-reinforced composite materials. The method is divided into two procedures. Procedure A tests laminates clamped between two pairs of loading rails.
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IEC 61730-2
The standard defines the basic safety test requirements and additional tests that are a function of the PV module end-use applications.