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Case study
Insulation film stiffness testing
Customised engineering example
Familiar with three-point bending to test flexural strength properties?
Wire Crimp & Weld Testing Webinar
The only way of really knowing the strength of a crimped terminal is to pull it.
Tensile Testing: Extension, Elongation, Force & Failure
The primary objective for measuring and analyzing the the tensile force value of a product is to accurately determine one or more of these factors:
Understanding Top-Load Testing - Live Application Demo
Packaging manufacturers use top-load or crush testing to ensure packaging integrity, and to eliminate material excess while maintaining quality.
Case study
Syringe tube pull-off testing
Customised engineering example
Pull-off tensile tests require careful gripping of the separating parts in order to avoid distorting them and therefore artificially weakening the joint.
Case study
Automotive steering components
Customised engineering example
Sometimes the dimensions of a component make force testing difficult to perform. Our client needed to test the sliding force of a bearing along the complete length of an automotive steering rack.
Case study
Pharmaceutical sachet burst strength
Customised engineering example
Plastic sachets with welded seams are frequently used for measured applications of liquids, creams and gels.
ASTM F88 seal strength tester
OmniTest 2.5
ASTM F88 covers the measurement of the strength of seals in flexible barrier materials.
Case study
Schälfestigkeitsprüfung von Polstermaterial
Beispiel für kundenspezifisches Engineering Ein führender Hersteller von Polstern für Fahrzeuge und Flugzeuge musste die Haftfestigkeit von Leder auf Metall prüfen.
Case study
Kraftaufwand beim Wenden des Autofensterhebers
Anforderung Der Kunde wünschte sich ein tragbares System, mit dem er schnell und einfach das zum Öffnen und Schließen von Fenstern in einem Auto erforderliche Drehmoment testen konnte.
Case study
Torque tester for windows and sunroof controls
The customer requested a portable system which would quickly and easily allow him to test the torque required to open and close windows in a car.
Case study
Synthetic sports surface tuft binding
Customised engineering example
Test method standard BS ISO 4919 applies to the tuft withdrawal force of carpets.
Case study
Box-forming and edge crush strength of cartons
Customised engineering example
The Box Crush Test (BCT) is commonly used to assess the effect of applying an axial top-load force upon the flat sides of carton boxes to simulate stacking them in a warehouse or during transportation.
Case study
Train door safety override testing
Customised engineering example
A UK train operator needed a method of testing how sensitive are the carriage sliding doors to detecting an obstacle when closing or opening.
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ASTM D6241-04
This test method for determining the puncture strength of geotextiles is to be used by the industry as an index of puncture strength.
Case study
Cost effective cable strength testing
Customised engineering example
A major manufacturer of wire harnesses and connectors approached us for a cost-effective solution to pull-force test cables with different diameters having direct-bonded joints.
Wire Terminal Strength & Crimp Testing Webinar
The only way of really knowing the strength of a crimped terminal is to pull it.
Fundamentals of Compression Testing
How much force is required to register a command when you click your computer mouse?
How much force can a water bottle take before it collapses in its case under a stack?
Fundamentals of Compression Testing
How much force is required to register a command when you click your computer mouse?
How much force can a water bottle take before it collapses in its case under a stack?
Cap Closure and Removal Torque Testing
The primary objective for measuring and analyzing the torque characteristics of a container cap is to accurately determine not only the quality of the part or process, but also the root cause of a wide variety of defects.
Cap Closure and Removal Torque Testing
The primary objective for measuring and analyzing the torque characteristics of a container cap is to accurately determine not only the quality of the part or process, but also the root cause of a wide variety of defects.
Case study
Halbautomatische Penetrationstests in Gipskartonplatten
Beispiel für kundenspezifisches Engineering British Gypsum (jetzt Saint-Gobain) führt wiederholte Penetrationstests durch, um die Leistung und Haltbarkeit ihrer Produkte genau zu bewerten.
Case study
Cosmetics tin label peel
Customised engineering example
Testing the adhesive peel strength of packaging labels applied at the post-production stage is more representative of their performance than at the label production stage.
Case study
Beispiel für kundenspezifisches Engineering Ein britischer Zugbetreiber benötigte eine Methode, um zu testen, wie empfindlich die Schiebetüren des Wagens auf das Erkennen eines Hindernisses beim Schließen oder Öffnen reagieren.