Online demonstrations and training available from Mecmesin technical sales engineers

Online test equipment and training demos


As more people are working from home to reduce travel, our technical sales engineers can provide online equipment demos or training sessions via web-based video calls.

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Card and paper crease line testing

90 degree Carton fold tester, manually operated (PDV 14032)
90 degree Carton fold tester, manually operated (PDV 14032)
90 degree Carton fold tester, manually operated, being used (PDV 14032)
90 degree Carton fold tester, manually operated, being used (PDV 14032)

Customised engineering example

A packaging production company needed to test the crease force of the ink-coated card used in their fully-enclosed cartons. This required accurate measurement of the folding movement by the cantilever bend method. Their budget was limited and they wanted a simple tester, so a manual test system was developed to provide a very cost-effective solution to their requirements. 

Mecmesin designed a customised fixture to manually rotate the gripped card against a compression bar attached to a 100 N digital force gauge. Clickstops, at fixed angles of 45 and 90 degrees, allowed the folding force to be recorded consistently at each angle for various card materials.