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ELS 25 N
The Enhanced Load Sensor (ELS) comprises a sturdy dovetailed-mounting box with an internal loadcell complete with small fixing thread and occupies minimal space.
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OmniTest UTM tận dụng phạm vi Cảm biến tải nâng cao (ELS) có độ phân giải cao của Mecmesin để ghi lại tải trọng kéo và nén.
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Grips and fixtures
Holding your test specimen in place without it slipping is essential to obtaining repeatable results.
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ELS-S 100 N
The Enhanced Load Sensor (ELS-S) comprises a sturdy dovetailed-mounting box with an external S-beam loadcell beneath, providing a secure connection for large, heavy grips and fixtures.
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Khung thử nghiệm
OmniTest một cột có sẵn 5 mẫu với khả năng chịu tải từ 0,5 kN đến 7,5 kN. Chúng có vít bi chính xác dẫn động một đầu chữ thập chuyển động được trang bị cảm biến tải trọng ELS.
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Test frame
The twin-column OmniTest features dual circulating ballscrews that drive a solid crosshead onto which is mounted an ELS loadcell.
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ETS 0.2 N.m
Designed for use with both the HelixaPro and VortexPro torque testers, the Enhanced Torque Sensor (ETS) is easily mounted to the sensor carriage to minimise the set-up time for testing.
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When testing the extension or compressive deformation of a specimen it is often acceptable to measure the movement of the loadcell and grips, as defined by the crosshead distance travelled (known as 'grip separation').
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When testing the extension or compressive deformation of a specimen it is often acceptable to measure the movement of the loadcell and grips, as defined by the crosshead distance travelled (known as 'grip separation').
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Providing greater performance and longevity by minimising play in column bearings.
Precision bearings are integral components within the SqueezerPro universal compression tester, engineered to enhance its overall performance and longevity.
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ELS 10 N
The Enhanced Load Sensor (ELS) comprises a sturdy dovetailed-mounting box with an internal loadcell complete with small fixing thread and occupies minimal space.
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Khung thử nghiệm
OmniTest hai cột có các vít bi tuần hoàn kép dẫn động một đầu chữ thập chắc chắn được gắn cảm biến tải trọng ELS lên trên.
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ETS 0.1 N.m
Designed for use with both the HelixaPro and VortexPro torque testers, the Enhanced Torque Sensor (ETS) is easily mounted to the sensor carriage to minimise the set-up time for testing.
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ETS 10 N.m
Designed for use with both the HelixaPro and VortexPro torque testers, the Enhanced Torque Sensor (ETS) is easily mounted to the sensor carriage to minimise the set-up time for testing.
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Grips and fixtures
Holding your test specimen in place without it slipping is essential to obtaining repeatable results.
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Grips and fixtures
Holding your test specimen in place without it slipping is essential to obtaining repeatable results.
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The Enhanced Load Sensor (ELS) comprises a sturdy dovetailed-mounting box with an internal loadcell complete with small fixing thread and occupies minimal space.
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Torque sensors
A range of interchangeable ETS torque sensors are specially adapted to the VortexPro and HelixaPro.